carnival recap

Ah Fed Up!

Ah Fed Up!

My Feteless Summer

Brooklynites are likely still coming to grips with the summer of disappointments. Carnivals were cancelled, we were on lockdown, and Labor Day was just another holiday. While many were willing to deal with fete withdrawal, some promoters still found a way to put on events that were purported to offer reprieve from our quarantine doldrums. As a fete junkie, I found myself hesitant to purchase tickets to events that would either be sparse or possibly get shut down for not complying with city mandates. While I’m glad I saved my money after seeing what the more unscrupulous promoters offered, there were actually some events that I regret missing.

Have No Place to Call We Own

Have No Place to Call We Own


First, let me say thank you to everyone who attended the final event in our Rant and Rave Summer Chat Series. This was the final installment and covered our most controversial topic to date: Brooklyn’s Caribbean Nightlife. SocaSaySo and I worked hard to find just the right people with whom we can have this discussion… and did we found them!